Collected Poetry
(rd king dot net)poetry and digital art
Rewrite of early asyntactical prose poems—expandable table of contents. Click on title to view poem. Only one poem can be viewed—opening a second poem will close first poem. Occasional use of scroll bar may be necessary to improve poem location. Press (ctrl) F5 to refresh table of contents.
Grain Soar
Trek radar palsy jitters chew. Insistent pierce sought jet rancor gnaw arctic rival stage grueling. Caprice, arc cheap butter off. Saddle kin dwelling. Winston sin sin Roger. Goodbye fowl trend woo, ballroom, wedge early partner card sonyearly sinew. Leak angular mistook woven navigator sand surrey even con nod ah. Be knocker send sawed, "An inkling of aren't key, givingly bend soda toast." Reef easy bookie slam harbinger gale. Bam, shy dough, variant clock knee, whisper marrow tithe against eager grain soar soprano. Toxic back turn wriggle tour motivation rail. Earnestly splinter vested, gravid rapture adaptation becoming noiseless a to. Adjacent ink region bodily roster father dairy now. Bath cheers. Vain bail oars temper seal sunk fraudulent mixture. Quiz lizard gist pitted maul endeavor. Bulk purger pumpkin bid mark tango entreaty.
Buzz Billy Sulk
Chalk what flew Billy thensome. Slam ankle yank this temper fee cone beer money wisely. Ball tour wrap tall, bore wrap tea carry once ounce air or so Ma. Leap soon eat chore less sis mop poke to pop a fairway. Stray asshole trap shove deceive lean the bend shunned. Our cut man cover hour doubt, hardly thaw that tripped moon contentment. Anxious an sore hurry drift bringing a cleft enough saw there. Past is oh. Other do rocked reached hints snappy caps surely are. Others do rocked rolled. Greet sorry rips pack john jingle: chuck dung fury with mingle. Alley rail not wheel bricks cat cannery soon such sail, as fail sail. Pinned grease anger sinks trucks loaned if artery remains much slow dough bowed motel.
When tall which sought ready assessed shot soon teasing window, when too cant marginal hot in shoe blessed tested, the win sector toppled tot accord. Are kindred orchard sailed no tropes but xylophone incentive. Sand savvy roar, sand savvy roar ragged actor be so bused on smitten much floor order deftly. I cottage yes a wardrobe. Tin barker took inhospitable comas; where women wishing. Whereas Vienna, therefore Wien. March Marx whelm blister two do fiscal corridor: like as.
Tender Lobby
Lure on flask night clerk cellar beef air banking cardigan flan mirrors. Gentlemen sworn bell fare near handle clause, rule, screens spoke legal glancing. Punches moot collar environs. Gear applause, hearty shoe jerkings candle side remonstrances inching a tier sleeves, tumblers, simple row ware; follow mere loose scratching. stain, rusty bowlers and, digits flat banister buckle gravies down unnoticed. Drips linen. Too replenish sofa from call turkey, halls turkey more turkey more round dancers boa trapping exits feather. Cleave rouge age. Dried bolo waxes mantle, rhinestones, fancy, saying port apples luggage. Knives thumbing ear remarks marks, pounds, dollars, fancieskindle brick sterling rocker caught napkins. Is necktie chew matter. Knows passes fruit tailor. Stuffed the lobby smoking panes aunt lamps at newsprint evening edges. Inside muff clatter jokes end to kitchen quiet funnies. Reclined, with glasses bald pole shadows, brandy reading.
Blue Shoes Downtown
There is a lot of madness downtown. With great variety in the score, it called for plenty of sixteenth notes. He said he was a jazz player from Nebraska. Of course. There is a lot of madness downtown. And jazz players. He said he was a jazz player from Nebraska. Remember, I thought he had a funny lean to him because of those blue shoes he wore. The blue ones he wore downtown. He said he was a jazz player from Nebraska. Played jazz downtown. He could put variety in a score if it called for plenty of sixteenth notes. Of course. I thought he had a funny lean to him. He said he was a jazz player from Nebraska. There's a lot of madness downtown.
Digs in Spade Special
Endlessly queer reach and an tan tool knocker loop top wrought rope rope. Aberdeen. Brew that, Abilene route rock so salt so salt so so. Bitter cars honey, bitter cars shouldered gainly heathen medley; aren't effigies in Fargo. Belief brought dolt narrow digs in spade. Digs in spade special. Yeah throttle, rib sausage pond thigh; spray frayed spade space. Greasy cast axle alibi.
Bump Cunt
Rash jab tinker longing crease billow prevent bursting inherent. Bark undulation, stringy do repeatedly low socket boulevard spread lasts tuft. Wrench length ambition teeter jerks, crackers, dribble toad pounding freed mammoth life-like neo waltzing neon faster caricatured devices. Blood rubbing colossal, handbills check kept wrestle above squirts favor oblivious. Head intrigues spew stealing bitch bother, bother raffish. Bulge ardor driven nervous keyhole sawing. Pat ringer insert horse-sense spill again buttons brim follow. Flop sluice tan squeal gutter jam, juicy. Palm ramble nape ancient curlies to down chew. Jesus, strap shit fingered. Careen suck hunk all. Yes the, reel crack buck tether buck bear out. Be dog roll listless pecker raw. Nest entry primate post penetration nadir pasty and. Pleased more imminent sack pastimecargo lubricants now crouched, fecund in lap languor.
Samoyed Condos
Laps such assured carports carpet droll pets plaster slips fresh exclusive and non-indigenous FM desire. Latest trimmed prefab singles berth peeling breeze lay. Courts, charted lotions, sand errands sip assistants tan or mount or waxing hesitant. Inches fern enzymes mall thwart pseudo job jog and sails full aerosol wetsuits; submergible deck shoes. Misty hatchback trained slices sauna issues filling leased thinness paying sperm killer impact. Milligrams wore ten were glass plate migraine asking perishable Samoyed then kept bleached. Later pap mask crumbs disco gloss must coffee smear moaning regions now angular, unbuttoned. Good strokes marina smart cut backhand rush stuff. Cherished moot position. Relay caftan stance dole easy abandon, moan achieved.
Sisters (Matches Succumb to)
Thumb serum couch in pencil eddy fix cargo he land far high. She bargains random couch cough court her table assayed are. Are cargo car serum he might tar thumb high and table. High I she eddy and far bargain. Court pencil cough cargo. High she in I land hardly random in serum thumb and eddy. Car couch her bargain, her serum. He eddy pencil and assay tar car mart. Tar car mart. Assay thumb serum eddy. Tar table.
Plead Media the Dickens
Crew rocky suede sunset parking lanyard mishap filters this under eyewitness clipboard network. Grip Mary Ann II balcony, offshore cocktails crunched guests and gaffer. Dressed interests applied Jack Daniels plasma scene. Interlude: jetty camera about distress drew. Replay basking hoist sensual in essential cyclists barking a seascape. Seldom moored olives reporting; and not mistake me from the real issue when the bay drew my red shoes off and most deftly away. From out of the seaweed and around the bend on Scenic Road, past Oceanview Avenue, I cried all that beautiful way back to the car like a baby.
That Fat Fat American e-Crap
That fat-that, that e-crap—that I fat phone I jack that American fat e-crap. I crap that. e-Crap I fat like crap that. Crap that American e-fat, phone fat, I jack fat. I fat that e-fat that-that American I crap. That crap I e-fat like that-crap, phone fat. I crap that American e-fat—jack fat. Take a crap Jack that American e-fat (doodoo some a that-that) American no how. Phone I some doodoo that I crap, that phone-jack, that e-fat. I fat, Jack! I e-crap. No how I phone some American I that, that I fat that-that e-crap. I like that. Take it fat-back.
Juke junk agate. Juke junk agate. Juke junk applejack, juke junk agate. Juke junk agate. Juke junk agate. Juke junk applejack juke junk boom. A big wave splashed over the deck of the boathouse and blew the kitchen into the water. Patty saw this happen. She jumped into save it. Dad saw Patty. He threw a rock into the water. Then he put on his jacket.
Dose Recognition
Reed, mauve, text, loam, proof, earth, earn, parch, fish, fail, fudge, gas, ken, grade, heart, mess, hatch, oar, park, fact, red, moody. Restless. We were dorsal, tether, fairway, dharma, parrot, finish, meter, facet, undue, early, llama, grandson, propane, harvest, reflex, measly, object, mostly, garland, parcel, frolic, impulsive. Moody. But there was something nice about it. Something about the laws, the generous, the arcane, the assumptive it. That that, that this, that they we were.
Push & Cheating
I can see the causes. I can feel them. I know the touch of their influence. And because of that I agree to a collective response toward those effects. What else can we do but name the most heinous of acts and give them an order, strengthen their meaning. Even I would relent to a conservative edge, the sharper edgethe fallow brief chased basin wasted rocked to talked past. A down benched tract packed listing, tried, or listening; throng loss dreaded seed stop when new breath went to bars. Again, our see thus ripped and healing, didn't so many miles per hour?
Jazz Nebraska
Frail canister Harding long windsock the brass carrying cutlets. Unleavened ladle bent social wrapped strings hilly, brandish caliper trucks. Ringer boys morning cattle paw quilting cookie sheets. Bushel rafter gossip Sunday Emma gum ash after. Fall, dung acres. Moon early mama the porch neighbored lessons jowl. Jamb Bible hemp. Quartered and pennies baked for sidings butcher, barbed, plate sermons canned. Dusty gophers laces might penknife virgin kerosene. Shears melon elbow around harvest apron. Enema booties. Flies silo gingham spittle bought clouds. Burlap rocker hopscotch or boxcar blowing merry witch Hazel. Wells. By the time Lowell was twenty-five he had seen enough of small, flat towns, the same girl, and his rightful position at Barton's Feed & Grain. He left Emma and the gray woodframe house knowing they would last just as long on his father's pension. Lowell wanted to meet the faces he might find on a street lit with electricity. He said as much himself; he was tired of moonlight. So he left for New York City to play jazz. And after a while he stopped writing.
City Purée
Wine lazy onions or grate low-fat antenna. Rare sturdy pepper low, zest inside, fan floss though tender thaw random spoonful. How those knuckles pad, starchy sometimes catch below. Bell easy the fold-in starter reach copper and borrow lard quickly. Buttered reset convenient. Or whether electric all mostly twist-off squash dressings; then whipped anyway at preparation. Coffee miracles batter invention for edgy presto messless. "Chives." Flip mixing, "Steam channel pan beater highlights ostensible crock." Taste whip there turning. Moderate fingers broil then strainer for pouring scalloped shown ready sipping. Search slice kids foil placement call. Linoleum milk scooprice count radio server freeze honey.
Tall, thin, combination he sauna unknotted. This mist swung massive hung narrow cheek pale green tiles to sore towel. Maybe biceps that dripping limped he tone lifts angry hours, strains, fluid in torn toward aggravation. Agile faucets increased casually nodded a test hand thrown into water. Anguish racing, echo walls solid for flexed expansion had gathered door to air groin fell open. Coach straddle and lob; then jets. Bouncing perspiration sound gymnasium abovevents enter concrete within tendon cheers dribbling, coached, swelling within. Nets metal bone rubbed, pressed, taped hair and grunted. Want in ref every eye the play demands and suffer. And steam and aching fun fouled and mirrors ardent in sweating threatened jerseys in which only males appear. He dried his hair. Awkwardly he straddled the low wooden bench, sat down, opened his locker and lobbed the towel over the open door. He rubbed the bruise on his ankle, waited for the trainer to appear. He rubbed the bruise on his ankle; his penis fell about between his thighs. His arms were axis, axes, yes ma'am and see-saw. They were very long.
Bursting Zebras
Flyer wig butt comma fasten chance bowl daddy fasten chance. Knack one row reckon blessed bets do bargain sweetie, unseemly some more. Pinched wishes pinch fish Mrs. wishes. Sudden hashish dressed mesh dilemma down: cheeeeeew, cheeeeeew, chug chug, cheese... In aren't in every chain or natty we've breeze bees bottled black-eyed Baltimore bash toned navy near such or dirt whacked buy bored belted back shout sore rackets took for bees, sore bottles, shout throttles, black-eyed breeze Baltimore stash summed navy near such or whacked—get whacked or belted back buy sore took for bees shunned, hummed, throttled and stacked there by the hammer. Pound geezer fenced juice loose Randy yell tell can't yell tell can't yell tell can't yell tell stripes. Stripes. Cripes!
White Gotcha Pity
I swore I'd never buy a pair of white shoes, particularly bucks; I refused. I despised them without motive. And it's not that I feared the scuff, it was the manner. That manner that I abhorred typically god-awful, used car, and jackass. Yes, I was adamant over the issue, proud in my distaste. Even as the day came when I found a sharp looking pair in a boulevard window. I hated the face I could see myself break intoI hoped that my fury would burst the glass. And no, they weren't bucks but I wasted my lunch hour and then had to fumble around Receiving for another hour and a half before I could walk back and admire the polyester loafer. They were snow whitemade in Korea, probably the industrial section of Seoul. There was no stopping now. I let turn angled with glass not burning really. Couldn't why reasoned better do buying. Building do, do stock; smile shoehorn set fretless teeth wild. Bankamericard wide. Yet the desire for opera windows has been more difficult to manage, more an obsession. Suburb to suburb, car lot to car lot, reading the sticker price on late model sedans has been a moody, unsettling ritual.
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