

(rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

American Summer

Poems written while traveling.

Aloft in Santa Cruz

The absorbing faces on the ancient boardwalk
were sun-licked, pierced and sticky as the many
veneers of fun-zone delicacies applied through
the ages of our ageless clumsiness; and through this

and the fog drifting aimlessly as kelp, as lone gulls
or even ourselves, full-chased and frenzied
from the perilous to the peril, again, and again,
and then again—amidst the endless screaming

and the clawing on, young raptors of this world's
hidden promises, revelers in its exhilarations—
the boys are startled by the variety of flesh
exhibited by the other sex--the other sex, astride

the notion of another sex, can keep little secret.
We watch from the undertow, captive, a party to it all
      and helpless.

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