

(rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

American Summer

Poems written while traveling.


After a four mile hike
on a well-beaten path—

tracks from tennis shoes
and horseshoe tracks,

the sudden chatter of
birds and expensive cameras;

down the canyon on Navajo Loop
to Queen Victoria,

Queens Garden,
up the Sunrise Point trail,

dazzled in the maze of pink
or buff spires, rust spires,

white spires of sandstone,
their shapes suggesting

rust or erosion or
that they had been lathed—

later, we sat our lawn chairs
at the edge of a clearing

beside young growths
of manzanita.  Our arms winged,

trunks sunk into the webbing,
we listened to the wind roll

through the tops of the ponderosas,
resting, occupied.  Waiting

for the energy to fix lunch,
we remarked on the huge thunderhead

building off to the west—
how threatening it was,

much more so than the one
sneaking up behind us.

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