Collected Poetry
(rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art
Beating Heart, Dancing Feet
It begins—a murmur humming in the backdrop as we sit by the handsome pool and marvel: the evening light spread upon the veranda. To rekindle the trembling undulations we sit by the handsome pool and marvel at the apparent wish to continue this peculiar quest to rekindle undulations-- to a clearing, among sagebrush moving with the apparent wish to continue this little breeze stumbling through the locale to a clearing, moving among sagebrush while all things seemed content in being. A little breeze was stumbling through quietly and not quite revealed where all things seemed content in being set between the horizon and these hills-- quietly and not quite revealed she combed her hair, while fixed between the horizon and these hills-- it began as a murmur humming in the backdrop while she combed her hair, fixed with the belief we can live with hope which begins as a murmur humming in the backdrop and the little spaces. Sitting quietly in the belief we can live with hope which begins as a murmur humming in the backdrop and the little spaces. Sitting quietly in the evening light spread upon the veranda. back | ToC | next » section 5
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