Collected Poetry
(rd king dot net)poetry and digital art
The Big Picture
Groups of short poems.
1: Spirit The breeze was an endearing thing that sank deeply in my heart. A lawn sprinkler splashed the markers. The pastor spoke some words about Christ. 2: Sustenance The sprinkler sends tendrils of grace taken by gravity upon the oleander's blossoms, the daisy and the rockrose. Sam Cooke sings on the radio. 3: Song The evening lingered with a moist heat—the windows open and only a song drifts in from my neighbor's open window. 4: Dusk The sprinkler on the lawn cannot keep it alive. Summer, I walk through the yard bare-chested, drinking beer, until it feels good again. 5: July At dusk the heat lingers; the lake turns pink. Cows herd by the still reeds. Driving by in a dark car I say to you, "Look." 6: August Brilliant and aloof, the zinnias' pompoms rose—glowing—like many, colored moons among the hellish, august weeds in the arid dusk. 7: Dragonflies The iris has bloomed. The heat has come—now the swords have bent and turned brown. Yet the dragonflies still visit. 8: Ruth's Funeral Most of the men wore dark sunglasses. The ladies grieved in light, summer dresses. The pastor seemed at peace with his work. back | ToC | next
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