
Collected Poetry

    (rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

Diesel Eddy  

Book three of impromptu trilogy.


Inside, a hankering for troubled thoughts
reorganized to value our patterned selves; we sang
a simple melody.  Our hearts pounded with remorse
and a swelling that purports to know our gender

organized to value our penised selves; we sang
tight parts, the whole loose and endlessly repetitious—
remorseful, swelling, explicitly gender-based.
Larry enjoyed this feature.  The afternoon moved on

in tight parts, the whole loose, endlessly
repetitious with abundant X and Y chromosomes.
Larry clearly enjoyed this feature.  The afternoon sent
its light catching him squarely on the structured jaw.

With abundant X and Y chromosomes, with
movement that was charged and anticipated,
the light caught him squarely on the jaw
while ample women strolled the palm-lined strand.

Anticipation could be interpreted as movement
or as jokes and wishes for sex from a boy
by women strolling a palm-lined strand
near a smoothly-weathered landscape of ochre sand.

She makes jokes and wishes for tongue sex
as her throat taunts its brooding shadow
on a smoothly-weathered seascape of phthalocyanine blue.
Its restroom offers an empty risk

while her throat approaches a brooding shadow.
Inside, a pastoral of troubling thoughts
offers its restroom of empty risk
as our hearts pound with melody and remorse.

	for Charles Wright

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