
Collected Poetry

    (rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

Diesel Eddy  

Book three of impromptu trilogy.

  Rain, Rain's Bounty, and the Absence of Rain

As I laid upon my lawn, pampered by May's
languid entropy, a ladybug lit upon my thigh

and quickly tangled in its leg hair.  High above,
even higher than the tops of the highest conifers,

clouds raced toward a place I could only surmise;
but I could feel them travel as a quartet

of birds sang their little songs in consort
with the world's music and the music drifting

from my neighbor's garage.  Nothing seemed
out of place,  ill-at-ease, or frightened by

the occasional length of lumber that fell on his
cement—even the red ball wedged on my roof
      where the rain once collected.

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