
Collected Poetry

    (rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

Diesel Eddy  

Book three of impromptu trilogy.

  The Afternoon Light Stumbling Upon Some Dense Code

    (while the value of count is less than the number of elements in the array underscore a)

Returning from lunch, the heady payroll clerk tumbles
down several metal stairsteps and her grief, sudden
      and heartfelt,
ensues.  Starting at the bottom—the still damp site
from a recent rain—and spreading from there, like drops

upon standing water, and into the hearts and minds
of those descending with her.  Yes, it came as surprise
with pain.  There was a broken heal, a torn nylon, scuffs
on the hands and knee, the sorrow of embarrassment.

There was also a held concern and a spreading cloud
of notice...  and avid response that spilt into my office
      through an open window.
I watched for a moment, seeming impelled to discover
how this little tragedy might affect me.  Or, not—I
      then returned
to my computer screen where something else had just
      happened:  while (( count < ${#_a[*]} ));  do
and as we all seem disposed to react to the present
      I, in turn, headed toward that offer of what.

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