
Collected Poetry

    (rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

In California

  Still Life with Jogger

The bay at the end of the block
jumped up blue.  Above the street
in black thickets the cypresses rose.
Small, neat houses stood together
with their rock walls, ivies,
and weathered fences—white curtains
drawn against the morning sun.
Too weak to dry the condensation
on the windows, the winter light
splashed the houses' faces
where it crept between the cypress trunks.
On the front step collecting dew
this morning's paper waited.
Atop the garden gate where sunlight
sparkled in her fur, someone's cat
waited, watching nothing.  The street
darkened under the canopy.  The bay
at the end of the block jumped up,
the blue growing, getting stronger.

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