Collected Poetry
(rd king dot net)poetry and digital art
Passion Eddy
Book two of impromptu trilogy.
The Evening Light Losing Its Grasp on a Scarred Hillside
Rain having fell like applause and as brief, effusing showers; rain, emollient, having supplanted the sun and its sunny light. Now, clinging as new shine on the berried pyracantha and the weathered deck studs and the shining, plastic, outdoor furniture. Remnants of clouds and gray clouds in bunches abovea sudden burst of rescue vehicle sounds going somewhere wrought, distraught, and too needy. Poinsettias rise in the ungainly and awkward light and with grace, envy the upstart, unbound, new grasses dancing in the ancient, cow pasture—oddly aloof and beyond the recent, unfenced, commercial attractions. back | ToC | next
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