
Collected Poetry

    (rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art


  White Gotcha Pity

I swore I'd never buy a pair of white
shoes, particularly bucks; I refused. I
despised them without motive.  And
it's not that I feared the scuff, it was
the manner.  That manner that I abhorred—
typically god-awful, used car, and jackass.

Yes, I was adamant over the issue,
proud in my distaste.  Even as the day
came when I found a sharp looking pair
in a boulevard window.  I hated the face
I could see myself break into—I hoped
that my fury would burst the glass.  And
no, they weren't bucks but I wasted my
lunch hour and then had to fumble around
Receiving for another hour and a half
before I could walk back and admire
the polyester loafer.

They were snow white—made in Korea,
probably the industrial section of Seoul.
There was no stopping now.  I let turn
angled with glass not burning really.
Couldn't why reasoned better do buying.
Building do, do stock; smile shoehorn
set fretless teeth wild.  Bankamericard wide.

Yet the desire for opera windows has been
more difficult to manage, more an obsession.
Suburb to suburb, car lot to car lot, reading
the sticker price on late model sedans
has been a moody, unsettling ritual.

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