
Collected Poetry

(rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

Version Eddy

Book one of impromptu trilogy.

Haughty Temple

Listen:   m'eyes starry dim adagio:  m'eyes
harken caravansary:   m'eyes striding in

august delivery, in the outlayed nations; love.
In love among the outlayed nations, m'eyes

stride upon sepia roses:   m'eyes heartstrong
and forthright:  m'eyes ready:  m'eyes

m'eyes.  Offers propel the incendiary:   offers
deluge.  The incendiary ascends the heartstrong

and groggy sublime.  Flame:   m'eyes waken
in thrusting:   m'eyes tame the found-shaking:

m'eyes canter down breakthrough, down heartstrong
and ascending, down incendiary, down the flaming

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