
Collected Poetry

(rd king dot net)
poetry and digital art

Version Eddy

Book one of impromptu trilogy.


These details renew everyone's worry
and eludes what the addicts can rectify.
Everyone cannot please them
so the man's pleas are for details.

What the addicts can rectify eludes them—
why not ask the recent witness;
so the man's pleas are for details—
recent details from kindly addicts.

Why not ask the recent witness
to be content, to rectify and thank?
Recent details from kindly addicts
pleased the addicts, will please everyone.

To be content, to rectify and thank,
to share details and renew subscriptions,
pleased the addicts, will please everyone.
Don't renew their worry.

To share details and renew subscriptions,
kindly opens the door to everyone.
Don't renew their worry.
Let the addicts be with their detail,

kindly open the door to everyone
as heartfelt renewal pleases man and addict.
Let the addicts be.  With their detail
rectify the man not thanked.

As heartfelt renewal pleases man and addict,
these details renew everyone's worry.
Rectify the man not thanked—
everyone cannot please them.

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