
Collected Poetry

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poetry and digital art

Version Eddy

Book one of impromptu trilogy—with expandable table of contents. Click on title to view poem. Only one poem can be viewed—opening a second poem will close first poem. Occasionally a poem may open at bottom of poem:   use [ top of poem ] link or scroll bar to reposition. Press (ctrl) F5 to refresh table of contents.



Time time, time-last in or dawn canna
canna-amethyst highly, highly broken.

And if stanza verse stanza canna, bar.
Orchid bar.  Orchid bar arpeggio.  Stanza

canna time-last amethyst highly or
broken, bar.  Bar cardamom crescent east.

East amethyst.  East canna.  East arpeggio-
broken bar stanza canna highly if crescent

an or caravan amethyst or deftness.  Bar
orchid bar, time-last canna arpeggio.  In

dawn deftness, in stanza deftness, in or stanza
verse canna deftness—bar cardamom arpeggio.

Haughty Temple

Listen:   m'eyes starry dim adagio:  m'eyes
harken caravansary:   m'eyes striding in

august delivery, in the outlayed nations; love.
In love among the outlayed nations, m'eyes

stride upon sepia roses:   m'eyes heartstrong
and forthright:  m'eyes ready:  m'eyes

m'eyes.  Offers propel the incendiary:   offers
deluge.  The incendiary ascends the heartstrong

and groggy sublime.  Flame:   m'eyes waken
in thrusting:   m'eyes tame the found-shaking:

m'eyes canter down breakthrough, down heartstrong
and ascending, down incendiary, down the flaming


Poppy poppy.  Poppy lupine.  Lupine foxtail.
Foxtail poppy.  Lupine oak leaf.  Lupine alder, sneeze

sweet pea.  Lupine poppy.  Lupine oak leaf.  Alder
oak leaf.  Alder lupine.  Lupine sweet pea.  Lupine

oak leaf.  Lupine foxtail; butterfly.  Quercus quercus.
Quercus poppy.  Poppy lupine.  Poppy foxtail.  Foxtail

oak leaf.  Foxtail sweet pea.  Poppy lupine.  Quercus
lupine.  Quercus foxtail.  Quercus quercus.  Quercus

quercus.  Quercus poppy.  Quercus sweet pea.  Sweet
pea alder, sneeze.  Beneath the quercus in a blue,

spring blouse stood young brodelia among the lupine,
poppy foxtail, oak leaf alder, and a sweet pea; butterfly.


I in cant canna crawl down slow and deny this.
I in cant canna key scoff short and be reckoned.

I in cant canna had cant canna and cant core.
Cant core cram can sack in a vestigial and feckless path.

In a tethered arm and a handy foot and empty head
I in a cant core had hard I and redeemed it.  Oh

heavy bells and exhilaration—birds wing through the
      morning light:
the plaintive and the rested awaken and only one feels

not quite fulfilled, not quite revealed, even as the heart
beats and the senses reveal what the senses reveal:

I in cant canna cram can sack and denied it, winging;
I in cant canna had cant canna and was reckoned.

Incidental Line Noise

Bang splat bang caret caret, caret at-sign bang root
splat bang caret space bar.  Hook hook caret tilde

hook dot pound tilde hook caret comma, comma.  Bang
at-sign bang space bar bang root splat.  Comma dot

dot tilde.  Comma caret splat.  Root at-sign splat root
caret pound caret plus open-paren pound bracket.   Pause.

Bracket at-sign bracket root, comma root splat bracket.
Close-paren:  pound dot bracket comma bracket dot paren

& slash at-sign plus at-sign root.  Bang & splat.  Caret
caret:   as soon as the idea of the hook had subsided,

a caret stopped among the root and the swaying tilde and
said his at-sign to the bracket through the space bar's web.

Condo Dub

Carports lap such assured ardor and droll pets,
plaster slips, fresh exclusive as it gets desire.

Berths peeling in breeze lay, sand errands in
tantamount, sip assistants in wetsuits which
In inch in enzymes and pseudo jog keys and misty
hatchbacks trained in deck shoes—leased cellular

thinness.  Laps such assured as impacts.  Lap
lotions.  Milligrams wore ten were often more

then where glass or asking:  pap masking gloss
on mussed hemp and turtleshell.  Marina smart

cut backhand and rush stuff.  And legs such and
and regions in sails or unbuttoned with entry—ah.

Ocean Amaranth

Gray wooden purpose reigns summer light down
sandy street.  To little alleys, dank fences,

red cars in carports find amnesty or vertigo.
Poor stock and nasturtiums rise in brick beds;

amaranth.  Boys live with skateboards.  Gray
wooden purpose reigns amnesty or vertigo down

and it goes down.  Waves break; nieces squall.
Red cars, cars in red carports find poor stock

and red nasturtiums and brick red beds rising.
On small sandy street penis writhes and beer

gushes in reign of summer light.  Splash, vertigo.
Break, amnesty.  And roll, roll boys—girls over.


Time stanza stanza-bar, stanza east.  East
time-last verse style if, highly if style and

stanza deftness.  And if highly verse if and
if or and, in deftness if arpeggio east.  And,

and time-last stanza-bar if east or highly.
If arpeggio, arpeggio orchid verse in or

in if, in time-last or lost-if, in style east
orchid and.  Time-last and highly—deftness,

verse style if east.  If, or east:  stanza arpeggio
if arpeggio, stanza-bar, time-last east.  Stanza

east stanza, stanza if stanza, or verse east.  If and,
highly time-last stanza if arpeggio in-orchid east:


Angled Horses Sun

Along white church March a light spread
in redemption—across the evening chins

and cheeks of young men reclined in trucks,
heaviness and repose.  Beer cans.  Cars.

Commerce.  The unkind things that eye the spirit
with jealousy, hiss and make wishes.  Fuchsia

pants and cerulean blouse pass gently across
the church:  a little satori happens outside.

The pines dance.  The oaks gnash and wail
in their nakedness.  The pines peristyle

in bright cloaks of redemption:  this world
is so abstract it enchants the horses to eat it.

Hotel in Chinatown

The neon lights of Ocean City
finally became, for me,

a marvelous thing.  While traffic
raced the battered street below

sirens sang—even as existence
spooled unabated, plaintive,

conspicuous, the night was dirty
and fouled with dross and oddments.

Yet, I went outside amongst
the Chinese and the expatriated,

walking that immigrant street
beneath a towering and steadfast moon.

Sea Cruise

I can only think of it. I can only
reel:   waving from the rail, gazing

across vitreous water—it rose
above the landscape and heavy fog,

a landscape itself:   lights, colors, passions...
On shore that night we walked, barefoot,

the dirt streets and drank in tin bars.
Rain fell and thundered while urchins

stole our change. Devils watched from
little tables as we grew mythic, too

subtle to annoy the bartender—laughing,
disheveled, our wings like fallen bra straps.

Sea Level

 Nearly consumed by an opulent ceanothus,
 the meter rose, sanctioning our time

 against the abundant, blue flowers.  Sand
 traveled everywhere—by wind, by water,

 by pants cuff—as myriads of kites
 lifted above the sea cliff into the barely

 blue; on the beach the girls were wicked
 as if they recalled the numbered sands of Hell.

 Surfers carried their boards down the sea cliff—
 sun-worn skin, graying hair, with the fixed

 focus of yogis—drawing their young bodies
 past the idle girls and toward wave.

Working When Mozart

As rain renewed its luster upon the pavement
the afternoon eddied its elder passions

in an eventless release.  How benign this movement
then appeared.  Characters scrolled down the monitor

in green, numeric cascades—as research answers
for aggression, a defense for planned enterprise

when the rain ends:  when Mozart began
an old melody I saw through the window a hill

rising up, cloaked with brush and weed
trees and lumber pines of primeval majesty.

I longed to cross that blacktop to the deer trail
and follow it to the top—but I did not.

Browse and Ribbons and Balloons

She rode a little pony through the hills of Santa Rosa
amidst the falling leaves and rock outcroppings.

As a young girl, as an innocent, artfully
amending both demand and whim—astride

at an edge where the light broke into pieces
of emotion, of desire and hurt—strong colors

that could not be denied.  There was also a clown
moving among the big houses and shaded knolls,

an example of bad science.  The earth spins
with such craft and the day's light breaks

in plain allegiance.  The pony was both dumb
and abstract in its burdened distraction; few clues.

Angel Sources Run

Along white birch May a light spread
as convention—upon the padded shins

and mitted fists of young men crouched
on playing fields, stubbornness, resolve, other

alternatives to lust:  shadow, beer cans, busted
at-bats.  Across the park a woman canters

a big horse down the ravine; across the lake
two lovers wrestle in the trees.  And the heavens

rise above them, adjunct, incidental, abrupt—
the shortstop muffs a pop-up, and the leftfielder

throws the runner out at home:  this world is
so abstract the bleachers howl to greet it!

The Secret Life

As I leaned into the bathroom mirror, a rooster
crowed—unenhanced anthem of life and little things.

I ate some cereal and packed a lunch.  I greeted
our neighbor's Dobie in the drive, then headed

for the freeway and drove to where the mountains
rose in happy vistas.  Stepping through the clear

membrane and into the secret life, I continued on
my way to work:  an ordinary April morning

as the sun shone down in unenhanced anthems
and little spaces.  I sat quietly in the secret life

in which an oak tree played an afternoon part
and was, perhaps, its most beautiful player.




Reclining in the formed-plastic booth
of the garish, fast-food chain,

boat pondered two colored girls
clearing the abused formica tables.

Black, casually fastidious, boat
found them most desirable in their

ill-fitting uniforms and audio headgear.
This recluse world changed for boat

without a sign of change.  The universe
hummed its familiar threats and melodies.

Reclining in the formed-plastic booth
of the garish, fast-food chain.


At an empty table some boys sat down
with big pouches of French fries

and limbs waving like infused ganglia.
Boat reclined.  I looked at boat and saw

the inordinary.  I saw boat reflected
in my daughter's eyes.  We chewed

the food, sensing a forbidden pleasure.
We consumed the synthetic beverages.

Boat donned sunglasses when I suspected
the black girls of intangible things.

Reclining in the formed-plastic booth
I imagined dark, heavenly rituals.


The boys threw French fries and ice while
we waited for deliverance.  I suspected

the black girls held a listless and unrooted
contempt, bored with boys of all colors

and the continual delivery of bad news.
When something happened that I could not

detect with my senses, we readied to leave;
the restrooms were unoccupied.  We gathered

the assortment of packagings and disposed
of them in the embossed receptacle.  We left boat

reclining in the formed-plastic booth, wondering
if boat would do these same things too.

[ top of poem ]


In 1982 airsheds were recognized, catalogued
by landbase, and summarily enhanced.  Existing

particulate concentrations were established by task:
year long samples sampling the total volume

of total air were collected, catalogued
by airshed, then charted and mapped; existing

particulate concentrations were established as emissive
or incorporate.  Sources were recognized; movement

was viewed—more data collected, input, and assuaged—
weather prediction enhanced and summarily corrected.

Sources were studied.  Existing corporate leases were
sampled and catalogued as emissive or in compliance.


Soon, patterns appeared—patterns of movement.  Then features,
then patterns of features—then behavior.  Particulate

concentrations were disassembled, identified, and named.
Observations reaffirmed; behavior embodied.

New monitoring plans were proposed, developed.  New
studies included visibility, movement, particulate

concentrations, and studies on lichen (an air quality
indicator species).  Focus was placed on Class I airsheds

(wilderness) and Class IV airsheds (former condor habitat).
Newer prescriptions channeled direction, more focused

restraints formulated the outputs.  Early data was disassembled,
queried for bias, reorganized; new data was appended,


sorted, reviewed for compatibility, queried again.  New
behaviors were recognized, patterns established and the graph

of their behaviors embodied.  And again, end results
were collected and established:  projected, movement

began to exist as patterned.  Movement was found
to exist as established.  Documentation was enhanced;

data was summarily improved.  Airsheds were portrayed,
simulated, and field studied.  Behaviors were proven

in laboratory studies and limited field situations.  Success
was achieved exceeding the 84th percentile.  In 1988 new

airsheds were identified, organized by particulate and feature,
and then summarily enhanced.  These studies continue.

[ top of poem ]


April clouds reduced the dusk
and all things beneath it

to a dimming glow, or headlights.
Yet the swallows still darted

and other lives began or ended
in the heavy, biting incense of spring.

Young lovers ignited their trek
through metal gates and down dirt roads.

And in still, dark houses the living
commenced what they loved to do:

on the way to poker I stopped to buy beer;
she was propped at the pay phone—her legs

so long and her dress so short and open
it weakened my soul just to see it.


Loose-eyed and intent, as the men
played cards I watched their hands.

I saw the wrinkles in their fingers
bunch and flex—until their hands

became something else:  little elegant things
that scuttled across the felt, dragging

chips, stacking chips, fanning hands
like futures and storming bets—I soon

knew these men intimately as hands
played or folded:  their secret lives impaled

like rings riding in abrupt conquest—my face
flushing and read in abeyance to their eyes.

[ top of poem ]


Homeward Commute

Evening on the ancient trail
where jet trails raked the night

crosswise, over dark ponds—
where darkness holds a full moon

like the only whole note
in a bleak and worrisome score.

Some thin clouds are softly illumined
as taillights race up an incline:

in this way powerlines can
blacken their dark captive.  Bound

amidst the intrusion—an obsequious bustle
—what lingers; what still grazes there?

[ top of poem ]
The Night

Outside their window, freestone limbs swelled
with purple buds.  The spring air hung

with the musty smell of new weeds.
Still in winter bedclothes, the night

was warm and sweaty.  He could not sleep.
At odds, he could not assuage his penis

from gorging on his thick blood; he could
not resist from penetrating her with slow,

deliberate thrusts.  A night bird sang
a melody soothing as Mozart.  Shining

with caress, the moon danced in a corner
as she stroked his buckling ribs.

Homage to Frank O'Hara

The sea rose like so many turquoise rocks
I could not climb.  Salt stunned my eyes

but I still could see—among the edges,
the rock edges, the dancing truant colors

of the swimmers' suits.  Alas, I wished
to return and be, again, with them

on the uprising beach.  I wanted
to stand naked with them and be young.

Red Breast

One robin standing among the young Herefords
there was, announcing an odd scale

and the rancher upon his grazing horse
sang them all a little tune—I began

to feel the swell.  The pasture was moving
from snow to browse—an incorporate

abstract wonder—while men in yellow suits
and burdened with mechanical hardware

walked along a traverse of powerlines.  There was
something powerful about this environment

that I still failed to sense.  A young doe
reclined on the median, making the separation.


All of the women who took the woody trail
to Harwayne's backyard hot tub

were small breasted and enthusiastic
which lessened our difference.  As

wives of friends, as lovers of friends,
as friends of friends or their sisters,

as cohabitors and cobelievers in water,
we favored its caress—choosing to think

or to not think, but certainly to watch
the illumination of buttocks

in full moon light, steam spreading
from our chests, the weakened shadows.


The young woman bending at roadside
was both attractive and distraught,

wringing her hands and throwing them
down in spasms of sickness and emotion.

She was hysterical at having just car-hit
a four-point buck.  How easy for this world

to drive you through someone's despair;
how suddenly it pierces you—nameless

and instinctive, as if only the reminder
was, in itself, the terror and focal point:

wall-eyed headlights and a busted grille,
hands wrung white, the buck's black eye.


As Henry stood aside the idling yarder
a steady rain fell upon the piled sawlogs.

One hour and ten minutes to lunch
and some of the framers, striding

the shed joists of the roof expansion,
were still burdened with Thursday's hangover:

commerce happened readily at the mill
and a certain intercourse common only

to men—so that what did take place
could do so, outwardly, at its own risk

and only above the din of the belt saw
and the still-wet lumber's painted ends.


Either sanction or blame, the rest being optional—
you want to encounter a landscape that remains

meaningful.  In the unbuttoned shirt of a handy
neighbor who smiles, it will come to you then

as a distraction while he slowly recants a story
through which a hopefulness stays both here
      and there.
But in the lobby it changes into an afternoon
much anticipated, inspiring a series of gentle

recursions where nothing would be heartbreaking.
You carry the token through the doorway and outside

where it partially obscures the gorgeous blue hills
whose romances still remain unestablished, unevented.


Violent Keypunch

Used hurt ate vein eye mark ate nail:
yeah cat or nail torn ate cat torn.

Ate mark or get torn hurt lick eye lick:
used mark bat eye rip jerk ate cat kill.

With hurt, or get eye torn, yeah:  or used
mark it ate cat torn scrape with eye nail.

Scrape or mark eye or nail, eye ate torn:
torn ate cat kill scrape eye lick.  Lick

yeah, or used rip it, bat mark it:  get it
nail ate, torn it, or rip scrape.  Or hurt

yeah eye, eye ate hurt, eye ate hurt:  yeah,
hurt yeah eye, hurt yeah used; eye nail it.

"at the not my" (Big Rendered Picture)

the at and at daughters look at
morning.  the at and at big wife,

not my at and at crying stop.  the stop
my at and at I big were crying.

look was and at look I.  at big
the stop happy I picture my stop.

at my was:  was and at happy:
was my was and at the not my.  stop

at my the way crying—at look was harsh.
crying my stop and at look was.  sighs

look my and at look tried the happy.  my
stop and at look happy was:  my I daughters.

Random Listing

Arduous farce hoarse was listing random
listings common to while rippling memory.

Was farce memory rippling, or arduous?
Crayons licked its curling forearm; curly

horns rippling, then hoarse.  Common while
crayons, common grass, the licked oracle

languishing amongst the arduous horns.  O
earthly, common, hoarse, and grateful memory.

O arduous while oracle—farce hoarse and
common horns, send the rippling crayons

listing in common and arduous hoarseness;
lists of random memory with while courage.

Christian Fowl Rhapsody

His pintail forgiveness falls everlasting, blind.
His forgiveness is a banded crossbow; worship

His everlasting forgiveness.  His gravesite
celestial ascension.  His denial:  His nest in

celestial everlasting ascension in kingdom for
forgiveness banded.  His cross a mallard bow.

His stone symbolizing the stalwart pintail.
His denial, the stoned seraphim.  Crossbow

forgiveness is everlasting in the preened kingdom.
Nest gravesite in blind ascension falls banded

as Celestial worship blinds His preening mallard:
kingdom His celestial cross, banded, in ascension.

Morals in April

Sincere wonder edits the tunnel and doleful
cardinal.  It's April and Joey salts

his reigning aerosol—his lips steadfast
and honey-smeared; but the salting

hurts and the honey was garnered
under edit:  the cardinal stays steadfast

in wonder, and under this edit
Joey sniffs his vice and tunnels

an aerosol honey.  Rock:  Joey finds
rock and thinks the cardinal his.

Joey thinks:  my lips are sincere; I have
garnered the law, and now ponder honey.


Aureate life:  she had no soil as yet
and her rinsers only scattered her

about.  @netsym and lunar ice songs
drift through her runstreams, crashing

in Bogota, in Wichita Falls, and in
other dreams where she awakes laughing.

She could boast.  She could cruel and
laugh hardly and alter scan droll opponents.

She could boast incognito:  in bars
men bought her yellow drinks and sang

salty songs of praise.  It was so typical
she found it pleasing.  Love was insurgent.


Wormy, irate queens—unused queens worn irate
by wheels castigating and ridges of unused devils.

Wormy, southern queens, gallows queens—wheeling
and audibly irate—pause prior to lashing out at twenty

unused, wormy devils—yes, wheeling, worn queens.
Spaulding fetches a wormy apple from the orchard:

the queens are unused to such tomfoolery and display
irate concern:  Spaulding insists on monument to

the southern ridges.  The queens protest and send
devils tethered to unused wheels toward worn gallows.

A boreal wind blows.  Spaulding ponders to relent
as irate queens approach his orchard monument.

Nine and Twelve

The nine deleted labels fell to nine labored things
to service nine likeables, loosened and adrift; like

lilting loosened delegates then likened through some
nines, the scheduled music:  the music of silkscreen.

Likened to twelve libraries, Larry scheduled service
of things and drafting service employees adrift.

Nine silkscreens labored nine times, in particulate
service—nine labels, loosened bars and bars

liable to deletion—the labored particulate in
loosened service to service things and schedules:

there were nine things Larry liked to service:
twelve employees, loose deletions, and things
      unserviced or adrift.


Tractor Logging

These ancient lakes appease the canyons
as trucks surely pass the meadow.
Meadow by greening meadow
the lakes protest the upstart, idlying trucks.

As trucks surely pass the meadow
the mill waits quietly with ready men—
the lakes protest the upstart, idlying trucks.
The likes of resource ascend their heads;

the mill waits quietly with ready men:
has Billy passed his aspect harness?
The likes of resource ascend their heads
like rooted sunflowers addressing source.

Has Billy passed his aspect harness
while commerce hopes to service trucks
like sunflowers addressing a regal source—
a service not yet sanctioned by meadow.

While commerce hopes to service trucks
the meadow jumps on Billy like a necklace—
a service not yet sanctioned by meadow
or the oval casualties of the new road.

The meadow hangs from Billy like a necklace
so he will not negotiate with the mill
or the oval casualties of the new road.
When passing time and draft resource numbers

he will not negotiate with the mill;
the ancient lakes appease the canyons
while passing time and draft resource numbers
of greening meadows, casualties, and trucks.


Shiny, silver, slick and bright the swift
shimmer through fractured, aquatic light
in schools.  In glimmering schools a diffused
light fans and drifts—strands of water

shimmer through fractured, aquatic light.
The boreal influence may influence these
fans and drifts of light—strands of water,
idle and loving, caress the flight of swift

The boreal influence may influence this
as twenty southern salmon swim,
idle and loving, in the flight of swift
the jaw-hook collared swell is strong

as twenty southern salmon swim.
The flashing rips.  The scales rise.
The jaw-hook collared swell is strong
in monument to this dizzied light.

The flashing rips.  The scales rise
as grandpa drives his old DeSoto.
In monument to this dizzied light
he wades into the river beach, with intent.

As grandpa drives his old DeSoto
his boyhood spools across his eyes—
he wades into the river beach, with intent,
but cannot loosen a spillage with debris.

His boyhood spools across his eyes—
shiny, swift, slick and bright he still
cannot loosen this spillage and debris:
in school it spooled a diffused light.

Girls with Shovels

The press favors words from the young director
while his efforts and data project field awards.
Soon major camps are discretely formed as
favors and bent shovels inch through the camp.

Efforts and line items project field advance
while brave decisions yield the river complex;
favors and bent shovels inch through camp
where vegetation and formula soon are removed

while tough decisions yield the river complex.
Pressed upon the fires stampede
where vegetation and formula soon remove
any benefits gleaned from the past advance.

Pressed upon the fires stampede
yet the trembling fisheries are saved.
Any benefits gleaned from past advance
are surely headed for the girls in hard hats.

Yet the trembling fisheries were saved
and no one wants to raise the question
surely headed for the girls in hard hats:
was vegetation meant to suffer from strategy?

As no one wants to raise the question
the press waits quietly at the riverbank.
Was vegetation really meant to suffer
gleaned benefits from favors in camp?

The fire dispelled.  The awardees sleep.
The press favors words from this young director
on when decision benefits from past advance—
as soon major camps are discretely formed.

Men at Work in Water

Four brown rains from the basin above
provide a flood, with plain results indicating
an average irrigation to downstream users
would drown the men who labored there.

Providing this flood and indicative results
were accurate in deference and intensity,
it would drown the men who labored there
without concern for range or district.

If accurate in deference and intent
an average flood would be unbound
without concern for range or district—
irrigation found useless without restraint.

An average flood would be unbound
against control sites now provided;
irrigation useless now without restraint—
a danger to the lives of laboring men.

Against control sites now provided
the resulting loss surveys above norm—
a danger to the lives of laboring men.
The flood ranger visits the basin above

where resulting loss surveys above normal
yet, sedimentation remains unchanged.
The flood ranger queries the laboring men,
abject consternation clouding their eyes.

Sedimentation remains unchanged yet
four brown rains fall on the basin above.
Abject consternation clouding their eyes,
an average irrigation to downstream users.

Dick and the Bare-Chested Excavator

Vexed and sweaty stood Pistol Dick
as curses and let bullets caned the cordoned rattler.
With sweaty pistol and careful neckerchief
Dick buffets some bottles about, for fun.

As curses and let bullets caned the cordoned rattler
careful attendance cantankered with these hapless bottles—
for amusement, Dick buffets these bottles about
and then returns to his trailer to drink and to rest.

Careful attendance has cantankered with the hapless bottles
so Dick cleans his ruined screens—ignoring the rattler—
then returns to his trailer to drink, rest and
cleans his pistol with the sweaty neckerchief.

So Dick cleaned the ruined screens, leaving the rattler
broken in spirit, cordoned, and neatly coiled.
Cleaning his pistol with the sweaty 'kerchief
Dick was careful, but still broke an acrid sweat.

Broken in spirit, cordoned, and neatly coiled,
the rattler envisioned Dick as large in his trailer:
Dick was careful but still broke another sweat—
one that was colorless, scaly, most bittersweet.

The rattler envisaged Dick outside his trailer,
crimped, with his bottles and curses
that were colorless, scathing, most bitterly said.
The bare-chested excavator hits the trailer door.

Crimped, with his bottles and long-practiced curses,
still vexed and sweaty stands Pistol Dick.
The bare-chested excavator points to the cordoned rattler
with a careful pistol and sweat-soaked neckerchief.


These details renew everyone's worry
and eludes what the addicts can rectify.
Everyone cannot please them
so the man's pleas are for details.

What the addicts can rectify eludes them—
why not ask the recent witness;
so the man's pleas are for details—
recent details from kindly addicts.

Why not ask the recent witness
to be content, to rectify and thank?
Recent details from kindly addicts
pleased the addicts, will please everyone.

To be content, to rectify and thank,
to share details and renew subscriptions,
pleased the addicts, will please everyone.
Don't renew their worry.

To share details and renew subscriptions,
kindly opens the door to everyone.
Don't renew their worry.
Let the addicts be with their detail,

kindly open the door to everyone
as heartfelt renewal pleases man and addict.
Let the addicts be.  With their detail
rectify the man not thanked.

As heartfelt renewal pleases man and addict,
these details renew everyone's worry.
Rectify the man not thanked—
everyone cannot please them.


Cruising cables carry basic tissue:
the newcomer inspires a consequence of errors:
a porous windfall carries plasma to a newcomer:
thus, consequence keeps the cables in cartons.

The newcomer inspires errors of consequence:
now windfall divides the corporate tissue:
thus, consequence keeps the cables in cartons:
the corporate divider becomes basic twang.

Now windfall divides the corporate tissue:
torment and coughing dispel the cartons:
a corporate divider assumes basic twang:
plasma cables carry their coughing.

Torment and coughing dispel the cartons:
porous errors cinch thinning purse strings:
plasma cables carry their coughing:
cruising the windfall produces more torment.

Porous errors cinch their purse strings:
a new current shows distrust of twang:
cruising the windfall produces more torment:
color becomes an avid divider.

The new current shows distrust of twang:
a newcomer's karma is seen as suspect:
color becomes an able divider:
the cables of consequence lead to torment.

The newcomer's karma is seen as suspect:
cruising cables carry basic tissue:
the cables of consequence lead to torment:
a porous windfall carries plasma to the twang.

Woman Regarding Mission

In ways, looking woman looked often—
her mission:  all honor and looking front.
Atop honor, aside guardian, all spear;
all spear rider, speech spear and woman rider.

Her mission was all honor and look, fronting
a head speech for her favored guardian:
all spear rider, speech spear and woman rider
often looking for today; honor ways headed

with head speech for her favored guardian:
all honor, atop the today, talked honor
often looking for today; honor ways headed
to spear her guardian with noble intent.

All honor, atop the today, talked honor
while spears fronted the heady pioneer rider.
To spear her guardian with noble intent
the pioneer called down the wrath of God.

While spears fronted the heady pioneer
rider, today was untiring atop her;
she called down the wrath of her god,
often searching for her honor and a spear.

Today was untiring atop her
and atop all guardians of the mission.
Often searching for her honor and a spear,
she herded the pioneers to regard her ways

and stop all guardians of the mission—
in ways, looking woman looked often.
She headed the pioneers to regard her ways
atop honor, atop guardian, all spears.

© 2015 rdking